
Flammie A Pirinen on github pages

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Finding out autooconf configure options of current autoconfed dir

It happens ever so often when configuring more complex less standard projects, that you need a lot of ./configure parameters. When you work with things like scientific projects that are autoconfiscated, like mine are nowadays, there’s a long list things to define and just one to wiggle around, the parameter to test. To recall the parameters you used last time you can do:

$ head config.log 
This file contains any messages produced by compilers while
$ ./configure --with-moses=/home/flammie/Koodit/mosesdecoder --with-irstlm=/usr/local/irstlm --with-giza-tools=/home/flammie/Koodit/mgizapp/bin --with-mgizapp=/home/flammie/Koodit/mgizapp/bin

Presto. This can be now copypasted and changed. If you don’t need to change the parameters though, running make should do the trick, and update stuffs if they’ve changed. But just in case, you may probably run ./config.status by hand too. At least for now, config.status filename-without.in will generate a single file like that.