Curriculum Vitae
Tommi A Pirinen

October 11, 2017
Name Tommi Antero Pirinen
Date of Birth 1984-02-28
Address 88 Custom Hall
Gardiner Street Lower
IE-D01 KD82

1 Current Position

Post-Doctoral Researcher, Dublin City University, EU FP7 Abu-MaTran11 project (March 2014–March 2016)

2 Education

  • Finnish Secondary Upper Level Education (Gymnasium / High School / Lukio), Joensuun Lyseon Lukio, (14th of August 2000–31st of May 2003)

  • Bachelor of Sciences, Computer-Science, University of Joensuu, (1st of August 2002–14th of February 2006) (now known as: University of East Finland)

  • Master of Sciences, Language, Speech and Translation Technologies, University of Helsinki, (1st of August 2006–10th of June 2008)

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Language Technology, University of Helsinki (1st of January 2009–28th of February 2014)

3 Academic Work Experience

  • Research assistant in HFST project, (January 1st 2008–December 31st 2009),

  • Junior researcher in HFST project 22 (1st of January 2009–31st of December 2012)

  • Junior Researcher in simple4all33 (1st of January 2013–1st of February 2014), University of Helsinki

  • Research Fellow in Abumatran project44 (3rd of March 2014–2nd of March 2016) Dublin City University

3.1 Previous Work Experience

  • ICT Helpdesk (part-time, 14th January 2004–27th April 2006), University of Joensuu, Faculty of Arts

  • Teacher’s assistant (part-time, 1st of August 2007–1st of June 2009), University of Helsinki, Language Technology

4 Other Academic Activities

  • President of ACL SIGUR–Special Interest Group for Uralic Languages (2015–present)

5 List of Publications

  • Tommi A Pirinen (2016) Development and Use of Computational Morphology of Finnish in the Open Source and Open Science Era–Notes on Experiences with Omorfi Development, in SKY Journal of Linguistics

  • Francis Tyers, Tommi A Pirinen (2016), Intermediate representation in rule-based machine translation for the Uralic languages, in Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Uralic Languages

  • Tommi A Pirinen, Antonio Toral and Raphael Rubino (2016) Rule-Based and Statistical Morph Segments in English-to-Finnish SMT, in Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Uralic Languages

  • Tommi A Pirinen (2015), Omorfi—Free and open source morphological lexical database for Finnish, in Proceedings of the 20th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics NODALIDA 2015

  • Antonio Toral, Xiaofeng Wu, Tommi Pirinen, Zhengwei Qiu, Ergun Bicici and Jinhua Du (2015), Dublin City University at the TweetMT 2015 Shared Task in Proceedings of TweetMT shared task at SEPLN 2015

  • Raphael Rubino, Tommi Pirinen, Miquel Esplà-Gomis, Nikola Ljubešić, Sergio Ortiz Rojas, Vassilis Papavassiliou, Prokopis Prokopidis and Antonio Toral (2015), Abu-MaTran at WMT 2015 Translation Task: Morphological Segmentation and Web Crawling In proceedings of WMT shared task at EMNLP 2015

  • Tommi A Pirinen (2015), Using weighted finite state morphology with VISL CG-3—Some experiments with free open source Finnish resources, in Proceedings of Constraint grammar - methods, tools and applications Workshop at NoDaLiDa

  • Antonio Toral, Raphael Rubino, Miquel Esplà, Tommi Pirinen, Andy Way and Gema Ramírez-Sánchez (2014). Extrinsic Evaluation of Web-Crawlers in Machine Translation: a Case Study on Croatian–English for the Tourism Domain in Proceedings of EAMT 2014

  • Sjur Moshagen, Trond Trosterud, Jack Rueter, Francis Tyers and Tommi A Pirinen (2014), Open-source infrastructures for collaborative wrok on under-resourced languages, in Proceedings of CCURL workshop 2014 in LREC

  • Senka Drobac, Krister Lindén, Tommi A Pirinen and Miikka Silfverberg (2014), Heuristic Hyperminimisation of Finite-State Lexicons, in Proceedings of LREC 2014 Tommi A Pirinen, Krister Lindén (2014) State-of-the-art in Weighted Finite-State Spell-Checking in Proceedings of CICLing 2014

  • Sjur Moshagen, Tommi A Pirinen, Trond Trosterud (2013) Building an open-source development infrastructure for language technology projects, in Proceedings of Nodalida 2013

  • Tommi A Pirinen, Sam Hardwick (2012) Effect of Language and Error Models on Efficiency of Finite-State Spell-Checking and Correction, in Proceedings of 10th International Workshop on Finite-State Methods and/in Natural Language Processing FSMNLP 2012

  • Krister Lindén, Miikka Silfverberg, Erik Axelson, Senka Drobac, Sam Hardwick, Tommi A Pirinen (2012) Using HFST for creating Computational Linguistic Applications in Computational Linguistics-Applications 2012

  • Tommi A Pirinen, Francis M. Tyers (2012) Compiling Apertium morphological dictionaries with HFST and using them in HFST applications in Proceedings of Workshops in Language Resources and Evaluation conference LREC 2012, in saltmil-aflat workshop on “language technology for normalisation of less-resourced languages”

  • Tommi A Pirinen, Miikka Silfverberg (2012) Improving Finite-State Spell-Checker Suggestions with Part-of-Speech N-grams in Proceedings of International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics CICLING 2012

  • Krister Lindén, Miikka Silfverberg, Erik Axelson, Sam Hardwick, Tommi A Pirinen (2011) HFST—Framework for Compiling and Applying Morphologies in Systems and Frameworks for Computational Morphology 2011, in Communications in Computer and Information Science (100), ISBN: 978-3-642-23138-4

  • Miikka Silfverberg, Mirka Hyvärinen, Tommi A Pirinen (2011), Improving Predictive Entry of Finnish Text Messages using IRC Logs in Proceedings of the Computational Linguistics-Applications Conference 2011, ISBN: 978-83-60810-47-7.

  • Tommi A Pirinen (2011), Modularisation of Finnish Finite-State Language Description—Towards Wide Collaboration in Open Source Development of Morphological Analyser in Proceedings of Nodalida 2011 (18).

  • Tommi A Pirinen, Krister Lindén (2010), Creating and Weighting Hunspell Dictionaries as Finite-State Automata , in Investigationes Linguisticae (19).

  • Tommi A Pirinen, Krister Lindén (2010), Building and Using Existing Hunspell Dictionaries and TEX Hyphenators as Finite-State Automata, , in Proceedings of International Multiconference in Computer Science and Information Technology

  • Tommi A Pirinen, Krister Lindén (2010), Finite-State Spell-Checking with Weighted Language and Error Models, , in Proceedings of Workshops of Language Resources and Evaluation Conference 7 in Valletta, Malta.

  • Krister Lindén, Tommi A Pirinen (2009), Weighted Finite-State Morphological Analysis of Finnish Compounding with hfst-lexc, , in Proceedings of Nodalida 2009 presentation in PDF]

  • Krister Lindén, Tommi A Pirinen (2009), Weighting Finite-State Morphological Analyzers using HFST tools , in Pre-proceedings of FSMNLP 2009

  • Krister Lindén, Miikka Silfverberg, Tommi A Pirinen (2009), HFST Tools for morphology—An Efficient Open-Source Pacakge for Construction of Morphological Analyzers in Proceedings of Workshop on Systems and Frameworks for Computational Morphology

5.1 Edited volumes

  • Tommi A Pirinen, Francis M. Tyers, Trond Trosterud (eds.) Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Uralic Languages (2015)

5.2 Theses

  • Tommi A Pirinen (2014), Weighted Finite-State Methods in Spell-Checking and Correction, Doctoral dissertation, University of Helsinki

  • Tommi Pirinen (2008), Suomen kielen äärellistilainen automaattinen morfologinen analyysi avoimen lähdekoodin menetelmin, Master’s Thesis, University of Helsinki (in Finnish)

5.3 Software projects

N.B. some software projects have had a large number of contributors