
Flammie A Pirinen on github pages

Project maintained by flammie Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Flammie on Academic travelling

I’m not gonna lie, travelling is also a hobby of mine and getting to do some for work is great fun. That being said, the way academic travelling is organised is quite horrible so far (2000–2022). I have been in numerous positions in half a dozen of universities in half a dozen countries in Europe, and while I’m grateful they do pay their part of travel bill eventually, it is organised in quite bad manner that wastes everyone’s time and effort, and can easily be prohibitive to people from backgrounds where they simply cannot have extra stash of two three months of salary available. This is combination of:

  1. travel billing / tracking systems
  2. forced to use specific “travel agents”
  3. pay first, get refunded (months) later