
Flammie's settings and etc data

Project maintained by flammie Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Flammie’s dotfiles for dunst

Dunst is a lightweight implementation for desktop notifications, i.e. tiny windows that pop up from your messaging apps, browser and music player for example. Most linuxes will probably have gnomes notification daemon by default, that’s bit more multimedia and heavier, probably not that much of a difference these days, the main difference is that dunst looks neater on i3, it’s less invasive and more configurable than gnome notification daemon. One big plus with dunst is that it shows notifications for few seconds only and then they go away for good, whereas gnome notification daemon sometimes stays there until you click it to open something and get sidetracked, and it also saves all unclicked notifications to show big red numbers of undone things demanding your attention in notification area, this is one of the most toxic design choices of early 2000’s so avoiding it by default is a huge plus.

The dunst configuration has tons of stuff to tweak, so far I haven’t done much. For some reason the default settings for me on i3 create a full screen vertical bar that could be cool, but I have chosen to prefer to imitate traditional notification styles with floating tiny box on top right with well-recognisable unreadable X style geometry option 300x5-30+20. Always good to set fonts too and a little tweak to message format:

    geometry = "300x5-30+20"
    font = Source Code Pro 12
    format = "<i>%a</i>: <b>%s</b> %p\n%b"