
Flammie's settings and etc data

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Editorconfig dotfiles

Editorconfig is a generic configuration file to make different editors to format files of the same syntax in systematic manner. It works with multiple editors and knows the basic things, like keeping line lengths in order and tabs vs. spaces. These are my preferences and I usually prefer to get code contributions in my projects to follow these guidelines, though anything systematic is okay by me, and that is exactly what editorconfig does, keeps the basic formatting systematic.

end_of_line = lf
insert_final_newline = true
charset = utf-8

This should be no surprises, UTF-8 everywhere, unix linefeeds, final newlines, these are basics that work with pretty much every text-based file formats hopefully.

max_line_length = 80
trim_trailing_whitespace = true

I do not like to read source code if line-length is much longer than 80 characters per line, I edit code in variety of devices including minilaptop that is less than 80 characters wide for full-screen windows. 80 characters per line is also about ideal for human eyes and brains to work with.

indent_size = 2
trim_trailing_whitespace = true

In XML based formats the trees are always deep and so indents larger than 2 will soon be unreadable. In XML I do not enforce the 80 characters per line since it gets quite impossible for many useful formats like so.