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Imapfilter dotfiles

Imapfilter is a script that reorganises mail folders, it’s useful supplement for mail programs where filtering is slow, has few features, or is totally missing. I use it for mutt.

Imapfilter is just some lua stuff, so “configuration” is a lua script:

githubs = gmail["INBOX"]:contain_from("")

Gmail is really weird with folders and moves and creates so you have to test and try a lot. This helped me:

options.subscribe = true
-- options.charset = 'UTF-8'
options.create = true

and use verbose mode a lot to debug.

Imapfilter works with pass like anything, so no need to include passwords plaintext in your configs and you can use any good password manager that can pipe. One thing I noticed debugging this is that some email servers are more lenient than others with whitespace in the password (and/or lua screws it up here), so you need something like this:

_, pass = pipe_from("pass mail")
_, _, passmail = string.find(passmail, '([%w%p]+)')

the example is from the imapfilter docs here.