Flammie's settings and etc data
See also: pureline dotfiles, a bash-only replacement for powerline, I also repaced the vim powerline with lightline, it’s so good I didn’t even need to config any dotfiles.
Powerline is a set if python stuff to create modelines for vim, PS1 for bash and so forth. I’m not really excited that it’s made in python (overkill) and it lacks some very basic features (cannot print $ or # out of the box). But it’s trendy at the moment and it’s colorful and writing colour codes by hand is a pita. So I’ve spent way way too much time hacking it’s over-engineered json configs that can be found in my dotfile folder .config/powerline.
My PS1 prior to this was like user@host cwd (historynum) [time] \n $-or#
where historynum is the number of last command in bash history for !num
shortcuts. Half of these do not exist in powerline :-( And to get multiline
working in powerline you need this arghle barghle of nonsense json:
"segments": {
"above": [
"left": [
"right": [
"left": [
"right": [
did I mention, if the some of the blocks end up empty they disappear. And since
my bottom row is only $-or-#, which is not supported by powerline, it took me an
hour before I gave up and just added env LC_ALL
there, pfft.
And finally I fixed this by writing my own powerline-segment.
I am looking to replace powerline by something a bit more elegant and well-designed in the future…