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Rust dotfiles

Rust is a new fancy programming language. It’s like c++ modernised with better syntax and then stuff, nothing super special but it’s used in lots of places, and since I need to use it for things these days, and it has few problems, I’ve self-documented them here.

First of all, it has its own make+maven kind of replacementy thing, which is ok-ish, with all the usual annoyances (“features”) of non-distro package management like having million installed versions bundled with every software blah. You have to download and install 100+ packages everytime you build or run anything.

Ok, the biggest problem is that unlike make which defaults to non-parallel, it defaults to the commonly recommended -j numberofcpus+1, but since it’s even resource heavier than g++, it kills all my minilaptops. Fix it by:

jobs = 1

in your .cargo/config, it’s not an ini file but a TOML file which I will probably find out in the future why it isn’t ini… oh well.


Rust has de facto standard logging system provided by a log package, which by default does nothing. And also does different things with different softwares, because it has kind of plugin system and everyone uses slightly different frontend of a kind. A common one is env_log, which prints nothing by default, unless you set up an environment variable RUST_LOG. If you are hacker you should probably have it in your default env as debug, but a least info so you get most log messages, even if you aren’t you’ll probably want to see warn so you get warnings and errors. I have .profile-env for my generic profile vars:

export RUST_LOG=debug