Open morphology for Finnish
Omorfi can be used with convenience command-line scripts, manually, using programming language bindings / APIs, etc. This page gives you few basic examples to get going. We assume here you have done full installation, if you did a python only installation you can only use python examples (skip the bash section).
The bash-based command line tools are easiest to use, as they combine multiple operations into pipeline, select language models automatically and so forth. The following pipelines are described in this document:
The following examples have been run in the omorfi source dir after succesful installation. The command lines look like this:
When following the instructions, please do not copy/paste the dollar sign, it is not a part of the command, but a command-line prompt indicator! Furthermore, a line-wrap symbol ‘↲’ is used to soft-wrap the lines for this web-page, this is not a part of console output:
123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 ↲
123456789 123456789
The example texts used here are part of omorfi distribution:
$ cat test/test.text
Juankosken kaupunki liittyy Kuopion kaupunkiin vuoden 2017 alussa.
Kuopion kaupunginvaltuusto hyväksyi liitoksen yksimielisesti maanantaina.
Juankosken kaupunginvaltuusto hyväksyi liitoksen viime viikolla.
Kuntaliitoksen selvittämisessä oli mukana myös Tuusniemen kunta, mutta sen↲
valtuusto päätti, että Tuusniemi jatkaa itsenäisenä.
Kuopio ja Juankoski päättävät seuraavien kuntavaalien toteuttamisesta erikseen.
Kunnallisvaalit järjestetään seuraavan kerran vuonna 2016.
Juankosken liittymisen jälkeen Kuopion väkiluku on noin 111 000.
Intian ja Japanin pääministerit tapaavat Tokiossa
Intian uusi pääministeri Narendra Modi tapaa japanilaisen kollegansa Shinzo↲
Aben Tokiossa, keskustellakseen talous- ja turvallisuussuhteista, ensimmäisellä↲
merkittävällä ulkomaanvierailullaan toukokuun vaalivoiton jälkeen.
Modin viisipäiväisen Japaniin suuntautuvan vierailun tarkoituksena on vahvistaa↲
taloussuhteita maailman kolmanneksi suurimpaan talouteen.
This newspaper text originates from Shared task of 1st International Conference on Machine Translation
NB: The examples below use the extended dictionary, for more
information of this, see the Notes about lexicon sizes.
If you are looking for limited dictionary analyses add -Z
to every bash
command or replace describe
with analyse
in langauge model file names.
The output in examples is re-wrapped to fit browser windows and editors, some of the lines in the real world output will be very long. I use the ↲ symbol to indicate such wraps.
If you haven’t built omorfi manually with ./configure && make && make install
it is possible to get some of the models for analysis from the internet (the
long URLs redacted from output, note this was on pre-release version so your
output should be slightly different):
$ omorfi-download.bash
--2018-11-16 12:57:07--
Auflösen des Hostnamens…,
Verbindungsaufbau zu||:443 … verbunden.
HTTP-Anforderung gesendet, auf Antwort wird gewartet … 302 Found
Platz: https://github-production-release-asset-[...] [folgend]
--2018-11-16 12:57:08-- https://github-production-release-asset-[...]
Auflösen des Hostnamens github-production-release-asset-…
Verbindungsaufbau zu github-production-release-asset-...||:443↲
… verbunden.
HTTP-Anforderung gesendet, auf Antwort wird gewartet … 200 OK
Länge: 13756036 (13M) [application/octet-stream]
Wird in »omorfi-hfst-models-20191111.tar.xz« gespeichert.
omorfi-hfst-models-20191111.t 100%[===========>] 13,12M 4,86MB/s in 2,7s
2019-11-16 12:57:11 (4,86 MB/s) - »omorfi-hfst-models-0.9.9.tar.xz«↲
gespeichert [13756036/13756036]
The binaries are unpacked in current directory and are from the previous
release. If you work within the omorfi git directory, you may want to download
the binaries in the directory called src/generated/
This is probably what most users want. test/test.text
Lines: 10 Tokens: 110 Ratio: 11.0 tokens/line
CPU time: 0.004719331000000007 Real time: 0.004726123996078968
Tokens per timeunit: 23274.886585976496 Lines per timeunit: 2115.8987805433176
"Juankoski" UPOS=PROPN Number=Sing Case=Gen <PropnType=Geo> <CMP=1> <W=0>
"kaupunki" UPOS=NOUN Number=Sing Case=Nom <CMP=1> <W=0>
"liittyä" UPOS=VERB Voice=Act VerbForm=Fin Mood=Ind Tense=Pres Number=Sing ↲
Person=3 <CMP=1> <W=0>
"Kuopio" UPOS=PROPN Number=Sing Case=Gen <PropnType=Geo> <CMP=1> <W=0>
"kaupunki" UPOS=NOUN Number=Sing Case=Ill <CMP=1> <W=0>
"vuoden" UPOS=ADV <CMP=1> <W=0>
"vuosi" UPOS=NOUN Number=Sing Case=Gen <CMP=1> <W=0>
"2017" UPOS=NUM NumType=Card <NumType=Digit> <CMP=1> <W=0>
"2017" UPOS=NUM NumType=Card Number=Sing Case=Nom <NumType=Digit> <CMP=1> <W=0>
"alussa" UPOS=ADP AdpType=Post <CMP=1> <W=0>
"." UPOS=PUNCT <CMP=1> <W=0>
"Kuopio" UPOS=PROPN Number=Sing Case=Gen <PropnType=Geo> <CMP=1> <W=0>
"kaupunginvaltuusto" UPOS=NOUN Number=Sing Case=Nom <CMP=1> <W=0>
"hyväksyä" UPOS=VERB Voice=Act VerbForm=Fin Mood=Ind Tense=Past Number=Sing ↲
Person=3 <CMP=1> <W=0>
"liitos" UPOS=NOUN Number=Sing Case=Gen <CMP=1> <W=0>
"yksimielisesti" UPOS=ADV <Lexicalised=Sti> <CMP=1> <W=0>
"maanantaina" UPOS=ADV <CMP=1> <W=0>
"." UPOS=PUNCT <CMP=1> <W=0>
"Juankoski" UPOS=PROPN Number=Sing Case=Gen <PropnType=Geo> <CMP=1> <W=0>
"kaupunginvaltuusto" UPOS=NOUN Number=Sing Case=Nom <CMP=1> <W=0>
"hyväksyä" UPOS=VERB Voice=Act VerbForm=Fin Mood=Ind Tense=Past Number=Sing ↲
Person=3 <CMP=1> <W=0>
"liitos" UPOS=NOUN Number=Sing Case=Gen <CMP=1> <W=0>
"viime" UPOS=ADJ Degree=Pos Number=Sing Case=Nom <CMP=1> <W=0>
"viime" UPOS=ADV <CMP=1> <W=0>
"viikko" UPOS=NOUN Number=Sing Case=Ade <CMP=1> <W=0>
"." UPOS=PUNCT <CMP=1> <W=0>
# Tokens: 110
# Unknown: 1 0.9090909090909091 %
# CPU time: 0.009266657000000011
# Real time: 0.010430676979012787
# Tokens per timeunit: 10545.815983116656
Compare this to the Analyses without disambiguation below to determine which one is more suitable for your research.
For advanced usage options there is
python script.
It is possible to view the full ambiguous analyses in this format as well, i.e. before the CG rules try to remove most unlikely things. To do so, use omorfi-vislcg3.bash script:
$ omorfi-vislcg.bash test/test.text
Lines: 10 Tokens: 110 Ratio: 11.0 tokens/line
CPU time: 0.004739562000000003 Real time: 0.004747250990476459
Tokens per timeunit: 23171.304871108114 Lines per timeunit: 2106.4822610098286
"Juankoski" UPOS=PROPN Number=Sing Case=Gen <PropnType=Geo> <CMP=1> <W=0>
"juan#koski" UPOS=NOUN Number=Sing Case=Gen <CMP=2> <W=10000>
"kaupunki" UPOS=NOUN Number=Sing Case=Nom <CMP=1> <W=0>
"liittyä" UPOS=VERB Voice=Act VerbForm=Fin Mood=Ind Tense=Pres Number=Sing ↲
Person=0 <CMP=1> <W=0>
"liittyä" UPOS=VERB Voice=Act VerbForm=Fin Mood=Ind Tense=Pres Number=Sing ↲
Person=3 <CMP=1> <W=0>
"Kuopio" UPOS=PROPN Number=Sing Case=Gen <PropnType=Geo> <CMP=1> <W=0>
"kaupunki" UPOS=NOUN Number=Sing Case=Ill <CMP=1> <W=0>
"vuoden" UPOS=ADV <CMP=1> <W=0>
"vuosi" UPOS=NOUN Number=Sing Case=Gen <CMP=1> <W=0>
"2017" UPOS=NUM NumType=Card <NumType=Digit> <CMP=1> <W=0>
"2017" UPOS=NUM NumType=Card Number=Sing Case=Nom <NumType=Digit> ↲
<CMP=1> <W=0>
"alku" UPOS=NOUN Number=Sing Case=Ine <CMP=1> <W=0>
"alu" UPOS=NOUN Number=Sing Case=Ine <CMP=1> <W=0>
"alunen" UPOS=NOUN Number=Sing Case=Ess Style=Arch <CMP=1> <W=0>
"alussa" UPOS=ADP AdpType=Post <CMP=1> <W=0>
"alussa" UPOS=ADV <CMP=1> <W=0>
"." UPOS=PUNCT <CMP=1> <W=0>
"Kuopio" UPOS=PROPN Number=Sing Case=Gen <PropnType=Geo> <CMP=1> <W=0>
"kuopia" UPOS=VERB Voice=Act VerbForm=Fin Number=Sing Person=1 Style=Arch ↲
<Mood=Opt> <CMP=1> <W=0>
"kaupunginvaltuusto" UPOS=NOUN Number=Sing Case=Nom <CMP=1> <W=0>
"kaupunki#valtuus#to" UPOS=NOUN Number=Sing Case=Nom <CMP=3> <W=20000>
"kaupunki#valtuusto" UPOS=NOUN Number=Sing Case=Nom <CMP=2> <W=10000>
"hyväksyä" UPOS=VERB Voice=Act VerbForm=Fin Mood=Ind Tense=Past Number=Sing ↲
Person=0 <CMP=1> <W=0>
"hyväksyä" UPOS=VERB Voice=Act VerbForm=Fin Mood=Ind Tense=Past Number=Sing ↲
Person=3 <CMP=1> <W=0>
"liitos" UPOS=NOUN Number=Sing Case=Gen <CMP=1> <W=0>
"yksi#-mielinen" UPOS=ADJ Degree=Pos Derivation=Sti <AffixType=Suffix> ↲
<CMP=2> <W=15000>
"yksi#-mielinen#es#ti" UPOS=NOUN Number=Sing Case=Nom <SemType=Time> ↲
<CMP=4> <W=35000>
"yksi#-mielisesti" UPOS=ADV <AffixType=Suffix> <Lexicalised=Sti> ↲
<CMP=2> <W=10000>
"yksimielinen" UPOS=ADJ Degree=Pos Derivation=Sti <CMP=1> <W=5000>
"yksimielinen#es#ti" UPOS=NOUN Number=Sing Case=Nom <SemType=Time> ↲
<CMP=3> <W=25000>
"yksimielisesti" UPOS=ADV <Lexicalised=Sti> <CMP=1> <W=0>
"maanantai" UPOS=NOUN Number=Plur Case=Ess <CMP=1> <W=0>
"maanantai" UPOS=NOUN Number=Sing Case=Ess <CMP=1> <W=0>
"maanantaina" UPOS=ADV <CMP=1> <W=0>
"." UPOS=PUNCT <CMP=1> <W=0>
"Juankoski" UPOS=PROPN Number=Sing Case=Gen <PropnType=Geo> <CMP=1> <W=0>
"juan#koski" UPOS=NOUN Number=Sing Case=Gen <CMP=2> <W=10000>
"kaupunginvaltuusto" UPOS=NOUN Number=Sing Case=Nom <CMP=1> <W=0>
"kaupunki#valtuus#to" UPOS=NOUN Number=Sing Case=Nom <CMP=3> <W=20000>
"kaupunki#valtuusto" UPOS=NOUN Number=Sing Case=Nom <CMP=2> <W=10000>
"hyväksyä" UPOS=VERB Voice=Act VerbForm=Fin Mood=Ind Tense=Past Number=Sing ↲
Person=0 <CMP=1> <W=0>
"hyväksyä" UPOS=VERB Voice=Act VerbForm=Fin Mood=Ind Tense=Past Number=Sing ↲
Person=3 <CMP=1> <W=0>
"liitos" UPOS=NOUN Number=Sing Case=Gen <CMP=1> <W=0>
"viime" UPOS=ADJ Degree=Pos Number=Sing Case=Nom <CMP=1> <W=0>
"viime" UPOS=ADV <CMP=1> <W=0>
"viikko" UPOS=NOUN Number=Sing Case=Ade <CMP=1> <W=0>
"." UPOS=PUNCT <CMP=1> <W=0>
# Tokens: 110
# Unknown: 1 0.9090909090909091 %
# CPU time: 0.009727566000000007
# Real time: 0.01052462199004367
# Tokens per timeunit: 10451.681790002567
Traditional Finite-State Morphology produces all possible hypotheses of each
input token in tabular format. This format uses so-called raw omorfi style
analysis strings. This can be created with
$ test/test.text
kaupunki [WORD_ID=kaupunki][UPOS=NOUN][NUM=SG][CASE=NOM]
kaupunkiin [WORD_ID=kaupunki][UPOS=NOUN][NUM=SG][CASE=ILL]
vuoden [WORD_ID=vuoden][UPOS=ADV]
alussa [WORD_ID=alussa][UPOS=ADV]
kaupunginvaltuusto [WORD_ID=kaupunginvaltuusto][UPOS=NOUN][NUM=SG][CASE=NOM]
kaupunginvaltuusto [WORD_ID=kaupunki][UPOS=NOUN][NUM=SG][CASE=GEN]↲
kaupunginvaltuusto [WORD_ID=kaupunki][UPOS=NOUN][NUM=SG][CASE=GEN]↲
liitoksen [WORD_ID=liitos][UPOS=NOUN][NUM=SG][CASE=GEN]
yksimielisesti [WORD_ID=yksi][UPOS=NUM][NUMTYPE=CARD][NUM=SG][CASE=NOM]↲
yksimielisesti [WORD_ID=yksi][UPOS=NUM][NUMTYPE=CARD][NUM=SG][CASE=NOM]↲
yksimielisesti [WORD_ID=yksi][UPOS=NUM][NUMTYPE=CARD][NUM=SG][CASE=NOM]↲
yksimielisesti [WORD_ID=yksimielinen][UPOS=ADJ][CMP=POS][CMP=POS][DRV=STI]
yksimielisesti [WORD_ID=yksimielinen][UPOS=ADJ][CMP=POS][DRV=S]↲
yksimielisesti [WORD_ID=yksimielisesti][UPOS=ADV][LEX=STI]
maanantaina [WORD_ID=maanantai][UPOS=NOUN][NUM=PL][CASE=ESS]
maanantaina [WORD_ID=maanantai][UPOS=NOUN][NUM=SG][CASE=ESS]
maanantaina [WORD_ID=maanantaina][UPOS=ADV]
kaupunginvaltuusto [WORD_ID=kaupunginvaltuusto][UPOS=NOUN][NUM=SG][CASE=NOM]
kaupunginvaltuusto [WORD_ID=kaupunki][UPOS=NOUN][NUM=SG][CASE=GEN]↲
kaupunginvaltuusto [WORD_ID=kaupunki][UPOS=NOUN][NUM=SG][CASE=GEN]↲
liitoksen [WORD_ID=liitos][UPOS=NOUN][NUM=SG][CASE=GEN]
viime [WORD_ID=viime][UPOS=ADV]
viikolla [WORD_ID=viikko][UPOS=NOUN][NUM=SG][CASE=ADE]
If your text is already split into word-forms (one word-form per line), it can
be analysed faster with
$ test/wordforms.list
Strings Found Missing Results
6285 6285 0 11307
Coverage Ambiguity
1,000000 1,799045
Universal Dependencies are the up-and-coming standard for all your morpho-syntactic needs! Omorfi is currently scheduled to follow up on Universal dependencies relaeas schedules and analysis and design principles. Omorfi can fill in the LEMMA, UPOS, and UFEAT morphological feature field, also the MISC field is used for omorfi data that is not covered by CONLL-U.
Use omorfi-conllu.bash
for basic parsing:
$ omorfi-conllu.bash test/test.text
reading from <stdin>
# new doc id= <stdin>
# sent_id = 1
# text = Juankosken kaupunki liittyy Kuopion kaupunkiin vuoden 2017 alussa.
1 Juankosken Juankoski PROPN N Case=Gen|Number=Sing _ _ _ Weight=0.0
2 kaupunki kaupunki NOUN N Case=Nom|Number=Sing _ _ _ Weight=0.0
3 liittyy liittyä VERB V Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=0|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin|Voice=Act _Weight=0.0
4 Kuopion Kuopio PROPN N Case=Gen|Number=Sing _ _ _ Weight=0.0
5 kaupunkiin kaupunki NOUN N Case=Ill|Number=Sing _ _ _ Weight=0.0
6 vuoden vuoden ADV Adv _ _ _ _ Weight=0.0
7 2017 2017 NUM Num NumType=Card _ _ _ Weight=0.0
8 alussa alku NOUN N Case=Ine|Number=Sing _ _ _ Weight=0.0
9 . . PUNCT Punct _ _ _ _ Weight=0.0
# sent_id = 2
# text = Kuopion kaupunginvaltuusto hyväksyi liitoksen yksimielisesti maanantaina.
1 Kuopion Kuopio PROPN N Case=Gen|Number=Sing _ _ _ Weight=0.0
2 kaupunginvaltuusto kaupunginvaltuusto NOUN N Case=Nom|Number=Sing _ _Weight=0.0
3 hyväksyi hyväksyä VERB V Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=0|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin|Voice=Act _ _ _ Weight=0.0
4 liitoksen liitos NOUN N Case=Gen|Number=Sing _ _ _ Weight=0.0
5 yksimielisesti yksimielisesti ADV Adv _ _ _ _ Weight=0.0
6 maanantaina maanantai NOUN N Case=Ess|Number=Plur _ _ _ Weight=0.0
7 . . PUNCT Punct _ _ _ _ Weight=0.0
# sent_id = 3
# text = Juankosken kaupunginvaltuusto hyväksyi liitoksen viime viikolla.
1 Juankosken Juankoski PROPN N Case=Gen|Number=Sing _ _ _ Weight=0.0
2 kaupunginvaltuusto kaupunginvaltuusto NOUN N Case=Nom|Number=Sing _ _Weight=0.0
3 hyväksyi hyväksyä VERB V Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=0|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin|Voice=Act _ _ _ Weight=0.0
4 liitoksen liitos NOUN N Case=Gen|Number=Sing _ _ _ Weight=0.0
5 viime viime ADJ A Case=Nom|Degree=Pos|Number=Sing _ _ _ Weight=0.0
6 viikolla viikko NOUN N Case=Ade|Number=Sing _ _ _ Weight=0.0
7 . . PUNCT Punct _ _ _ _ Weight=0.0
For more options there is a python script
Omorfi can output FTB3.1-compatible format with omorfi-ftb3.bash
$ omorfi-ftb3.bash test/test.text
reading from <stdin>
<s><loc file="<stdin>" line="1" />
1 Juankosken Juankoski N N N Prop Sg Gen Prop _ _ _ _
2 kaupunki kaupunki N N N Sg Nom _ _ _ _
3 liittyy liittyä V V V Act Prs Sg3 _ _ _ _
4 Kuopion Kuopio N N N Prop Sg Gen Prop _ _ _ _
5 kaupunkiin kaupunki N N N Sg Ill _ _ _ _
6 vuoden vuoden Adv Adv Adv _ _ _ _
7 2017 2017 Num Num Num Digit _ _ _ _
8 alussa alku N N N Sg Ine _ _ _ _
9 . . Punct Punct Punct _ _ _ _
<s><loc file="<stdin>" line="2" />
1 Kuopion Kuopio N N N Prop Sg Gen Prop _ _ _ _
2 kaupunginvaltuusto kaupunginvaltuusto N N N Sg Nom _ _ __
3 hyväksyi hyväksyä V V V Act Prt Sg3 _ _ _ _
4 liitoksen liitos N N N Sg Gen _ _ _ _
5 yksimielisesti yksimielisesti Adv Adv Adv Pos Man _ _ _ _
6 maanantaina maanantai N N N Pl Ess _ _ _ _
7 . . Punct Punct Punct _ _ _ _
<s><loc file="<stdin>" line="3" />
1 Juankosken Juankoski N N N Prop Sg Gen Prop _ _ _ _
2 kaupunginvaltuusto kaupunginvaltuusto N N N Sg Nom _ _ __
3 hyväksyi hyväksyä V V V Act Prt Sg3 _ _ _ _
4 liitoksen liitos N N N Sg Gen _ _ _ _
5 viime viime A A A Pos Sg Nom _ _ _ _
6 viikolla viikko N N N Sg Ade _ _ _ _
7 . . Punct Punct Punct _ _ _ _
It is possible to get naïve coverage estimates with omorfi-freq-evals.bash
$ omorfi-freq-evals.bash test/test.text
reading from <stdin>
1 OOV Shinzo
CPU time: 0.01207244099999999 real time: 0.025647345988545567
Lines Covered OOV
110 109 1
100.0 99.0909090909091 0.9090909090909091
Types Covered OOV
87 86 1
100.0 98.85057471264368 1.1494252873563218
The python script
has further options including
Precision/Recall analysis over string matches.
Most tools will handle tokenisation internally, if you want to see the
intermediate steps or just tokenise, you can invoke
$ omorfi-tokenise.bash test/test.text
Juankosken kaupunki liittyy Kuopion kaupunkiin vuoden 2017 alussa .
Kuopion kaupunginvaltuusto hyväksyi liitoksen yksimielisesti maanantaina .
Juankosken kaupunginvaltuusto hyväksyi liitoksen viime viikolla .
For more output formats and options, the python script
Omorfi can be used to segment word-forms into sub-word units with
$ test/test.text
Juankosken kaupunki liitty→ ←y Kuopion kaupunki→ ←in vuode→ ←n 2017 alussa.
Kuopion kaupungin→ ←valtuusto hyväksy→ ←i liitokse→ ←n yksi→ ←mielisesti↲
Juankosken kaupungin→ ←valtuusto hyväksy→ ←i liitokse→ ←n viime viikolla.
For further options there is a
python script.
Preliminary support for labeled segmentation is also available but not guaranteed to work.
Spelling correction may be done if hfst-ospell is installed using
$ test/wordforms.list | tail
"äristä" is in the lexicon...
"äyräs" is in the lexicon...
"äyräässä" is in the lexicon...
"äänestys" is in the lexicon...
"äänioikeus" is in the lexicon...
"öykkärein" is in the lexicon...
"öykkäri" is in the lexicon...
"öykkärimpi" is in the lexicon...
"öykkäröi" is in the lexicon...
"öykkäröidä" is in the lexicon...
For more functionality you should use hfst-ospell
Generating word-forms can be done using
[WORD_ID=kissa][UPOS=NOUN][NUM=SG][CASE=INE] kissassa 0,000000
The input for generator is simply the output of the raw analyser.
Generation has not been used so much because I have no use cases.
There’s some convenience scripts (not installed) in the src/bash
, here’s a
classical example by Fred Karlsson of generating all forms of a noun kauppa (a
shop) in Finnish. He lists 2,253
forms, our current version
is here containing 6,602 forms of word kauppa. And here’s the
echo kauppa > kauppa.wordlist
bash src/bash/ kauppa.wordlist kauppa.wordforms
hfst-lookup src/generated/omorfi.describe.hfst -q < kauppa.wordforms |\
sed -e 's/\[WORD_ID=kauppa\]\[UPOS=//' |\
tr '][' ' ' | tr -s '\n' | sed -e 's/[0-9, ]*$//' |\
fgrep -v DRV | fgrep -v COMPOUND | fgrep -v WORD_ID=kaupata
The third step is to regenerate the analyses and select only forms that we feel are part of inflection and not derivation or compounding.
NB: This format is not actively developed any more as moses is getting kind of obsolete in favor of neural machine translation platforms.
It is possible to produce a so-called factored output for use in conjunction with [] to create morphologically informed statistical machine translation. Use omorfi-factorise.bash for this:
$ bash src/bash/omorfi-factorise.bash test/test.text
The following scripts are included:
The python versions of the scripts are for more advanced usage. Their
invocations all follow approximately the same format as the bash scripts’,
however, the input is always given with -i INFILE
switch, the output is always
specified with the -o OUTFILE
switch, and you must provide the language model
with the -a MODELFILE
switch. For the small model, use omorfi.analyse.hfst
and for the larger model omorfi.describe.hfst
With python scripts, you need to always build the whole pipeline, including tokenisation and selecting correct formats. E.g.: -a src/generated/omorfi.describe.hfst \
-i test/test.text -O conllu |\ -a src/generated/omorfi.describe.hfst
Most python pipelines must start from tokenisation: -a src/generated/omorfi.describe.hfst \
-i test/test.text -O conllu
The format to use is dependent on the task usually, e.g. conllu for dependency analysis and ftb3 for legacy data.
E.g. for CONLL-U and so Universal dependencies, you can use
-O conllu
$ -a /usr/local/share/omorfi/omorfi.describe.hfst \
-i test/test.text -O conllu
# new doc id= test/test.text
# sent_id = 1
# text = Juankosken kaupunki liittyy Kuopion kaupunkiin vuoden 2017 alussa.
1 Juankosken _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
2 kaupunki _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
3 liittyy _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
4 Kuopion _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
5 kaupunkiin _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
6 vuoden _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
7 2017 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
8 alussa _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
9 . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
# sent_id = 2
# text = Kuopion kaupunginvaltuusto hyväksyi liitoksen yksimielisesti↲
# maanantaina.
1 Kuopion _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
2 kaupunginvaltuusto _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
3 hyväksyi _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
4 liitoksen _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
5 yksimielisesti _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
6 maanantaina _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
7 . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
# sent_id = 3
# text = Juankosken kaupunginvaltuusto hyväksyi liitoksen viime viikolla.
1 Juankosken _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
2 kaupunginvaltuusto _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
3 hyväksyi _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
4 liitoksen _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
5 viime _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
6 viikolla _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
7 . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
→ See also: API design, generated API docs
The bash and python scripts provided are suitable for specific tasks they were written for, for any other uses, there are programming language bindings available as well as the language models themselves, which you can use and manipulate with suitable tools.
One main design choice I have in the APIs is that I want to provide a simple API first, that basically works like:
anything beyond that is hidden on more complex data structures and functions, but the basic ~5 lines of code should work in any programming language like that for the most common use case.
Python interface is in package omorfi
, the base interface contains load
function and find_omorfi
convenience function; the loaded object should always
have an analyse method that returns iterable analyses with more information:
$ python
Python 3.5.7 (default, Nov 25 2019, 07:48:48)
[GCC 8.3.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import omorfi
>>> analyser = omorfi.load("/usr/local/share/omorfi/omorfi.describe.hfst")
>>> analyses = analyser.analyse("alusta")
>>> for analysis in analyses:
... print(analysis.get_lemmas(), analysis.get_upos(),
['alku'] NOUN Case=Ela|Number=Sing
['alunen'] NOUN Case=Par|Number=Sing
['alus'] NOUN Case=Par|Number=Sing
['alusta'] NOUN Case=Nom|Number=Sing
['alusta'] ADV _
['alusta'] ADV _
['alustaa'] VERB Mood=Imp|Number=Sing|Person=2|VerbForm=Fin|Voice=Act
['alustaa'] VERB Connegative=Yes|Mood=Ind|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin
Any other part of the omorfi API is subject to change…
Java class com.github.flammie.omorfi.Omorfi
has an example implementation with
a simple input loop.
$ java com.github.flammie.omorfi.Omorfi
The basic interface is based on the class methods loadAnalyser
and analyse
which returns an iterable collection of analyses (Strings at the moment).
import com.github.flammie.omorfi.Omorfi;
Omorfi omorfi = new Omorfi();
Collection<String> analyses = omorfi.analyse("talossa");
for (String analysis : analyses) {
The header omorfi.hh
and the library libomorfi
has basic interface for
loading and running omorfi language models. There is an example command-line
tool with input loop in
$ ./omorfi-lookup /usr/share/omorfi/omorfi.describe.hfst
The basic interface is based on omorfi::Omorfi
class and methods
and analyse
which returns a data structure containing analyses
that can be iterated with foreach:
#include "omorfi.hh"
omorfi::omorfi Omorfi;
auto& analyse = omorfi.analyse("talossa");
for (auto& analysis : analyses) {
std::cout << analysis << std::endl;
I would be happy to have more programming language bindings, most are dependent on what HFST has been ported to since we depend on it for our language models.
Most of language models are finite-state automata binaries for
HFST. The installed files are in $prefix/share/omorfi
installation is in linux default: /usr/local
$ ls -1 /usr/local/share/omorfi/
The naming is probably not gonna be same forever, but should be pretty similar and comprehensible in future versions too.
You can directly access specific automata using finite-state tools from the HFST project (details can be found on their individual man pages and HFST github site:
hfst-lookup /usr/local/share/omorfi/omorfi.segment.hfst
> talossani
talossani talo{DB}s{MB}sa{MB}ni 0,000000
talossani talo{MB}ssa{MB}ni 0,000000
> on
on on 0,000000
> hirveä
hirveä hirve{MB}ä 0,000000
hirveä hirveä 0,000000
> kissakoira-apina
kissakoira-apina kissa{hyph?}koira{hyph?}apina 0,000000
When using hfst-lookup
with large unclean material, it may get stuck at odd
looking long strings, consider using -t
switch to set timeout for individual
analyses; omorfi bash and python APIs set this to 15 seconds.