Flammie reviews: Final Fantasy XIII
Final Fantasy XIII is a JRPG in the final fantasy series with new battle mechanics and all. I've really tried to hard to like this game andFinal Fantasy XIII is a JRPG in the final fantasy series with new battle mechanics and all. I've really tried to hard to like this game and replayed it three times through, but there are simply not enough positive points to outweigh the negatives. It still is a final fantasy game with kind of captivating story, though it defintely is among the weakest in the franchise. The boredom of tunnelrunning cannot be overstated, there are few more interesting level designs towards the end of the game, but just like with the opening of the side quest system 80 % in the game, it's too little too late. And the new fighting system is kind of innovative but has crucial failures; bad AI and broken tank-class concept make for rather annoying battles. You cannot do much in the battles even though you know by entering specific commands you'd win all battles, the paradigm shift takes too long and battles seem too slow. Music, graphics etc. are great as expected, it really fails in the fun of gameplay section.… Expand
★★★★★★☆☆☆☆ (6 out of 10)
(A version of this review was submitted to metacritic)